The Day:
* Woke up late. Had to rush Johno out the door to catch the bus. It always takes Johno awhile to work up an appetite in the morning (just like me), so I couldn't rush him to eat anything.
* Got Jess ready for preschool. He and I were delighted that his green shirt coordinated perfectly with his green frog rain boots we found at Kid-to-Kid.
* Piper went down for a nap at 10 which gave me a whole hour and a half to myself. I puttered around the house doing some light housework and worked on my blog layout. I very nearly erased everything, but got it working.
* P woke up from her nap just as I was headed out the door to pick up Jess. She was only in her onesie and her hair was in a ridiculous array, but she was darling anyway.
* I packed up the two kidlets and headed to Johno's school. I needed to go to the grocery store so I thought I'd take the kids to lunch. We hit McDonald's (blech) at Walmart. They chomped away whilst I did got the necessities. EXCEPT Walmart has been out of jars since, well since I've needed them, anyway. That is the main thing I was going for but oh well. The kids were dee-lightful at the store. They got Robin (as in Batman and Robin) guys in their meal. Johno shot the little arrow thingy up in the air and it got lost on top of an aisle of yarn. I scooted a stool over from the fabric center, but couldn't find it. We went back to the McDonald's and told them our tragic story. They gave us a brand new on at no charge. Gold star for McDonald's.
* Once we got home the boys played with Brooks and Gage (twins from down the street). Piper explored the outside. She liked having full charge of the fence gate. She got pretty mad when I latched it so I unlatched it and let her have the power back.
* I put Piper down for her second nap.
* Jess and I played Candyland for Jess and Mom time while Johno did his chores. He even picked a chore from the Chore Jar (which was to wash the back sliding door) and earned himself two tokens. Jess smoked me at Candyland. I was ahead the whole time until I got the dreaded gumdrop. I never recovered.
*Johno and I did a science experiement for Johno and Mom time. I love that Johno loves learning. I makes me never want to get a video gaming system. We've played around with the idea, but I've always felt strongly against it. It is too easy to let 2 or 3 hours slip by without realizing it.
* I made dinner.
* John got home in time for dinner which was really nice. He had a challenging day at work. He is thinking of going half time in Nov. He was explaining all the ways were are hopefully going to make an income next year. He is really amazing at fleshing out these opportunities. I trust his judgement and put in my two cents.
* I needed to head back to a different Walmart to get the cursed jars because our beautiful peaches are ripening as we speak. As I left John had taken all the kids outside to ride bikes. What a wonderful site. Johno was continuing to practice his two-wheeler. The bike is a hair too tall for him so it is hard to start and stop, but he's basically got it down. John was wheeling Piper around in the little trailer that hooks onto our beloved steel trike. Jess rode his Big Wheel. Just darling.
* The second Walmart was out of jars. Shoot me.
* I came home to a quiet house. John was motivated to get the kids to bed early so he could go visit our friend Paul. He did a wonderful job. I took over reading to the boys.
* Finished a few chores.
*Read my scriptures about loving our enemies and being good neighbors. I really love our neighbors. We have drama here and there (like the little four year old accross the street that keeps walking into our house. The other day I was napping on our bed when we came into our room!)
* It was a good day.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sept. 29th 2008
Well here goes the day:
* Woke up at 7:40
* Johno and Jess and Piper watched a show while I showered
* Got Johno dressed and fed and to the bus stop (Jess took a bath and Piper went with me)
* Fed Piper and Jess and got them dressed.
* Piper, Jess and I read books in Piper's roomPiper has a favorite ABC/numbers/shape flip book. She is trying to repeat what I say. She is starting to remember the sounds of the pictures (i.e. a pig snort, horse sound, and ice-cream licks). Jess and I read out of The Friend magazine.
* Put Piper down for a nap.
* Jess worked on drawing and cutting out caterpillars. Jess and Mom time was was spent playing with his darling caterpillars.
* Brooks and Gage came to play with Jess. They hung out in the sandbox.
* Johno came home from school. We had Johno and Mom time. Johno decided he wanted to go exploring around the house. So we looked on top of the ledge downstairs (we found a bag of foam letters and a safari hat from his 4th birthday party). Then we searched under John's and my bed. We found pens, legos, wrappers, etc.
* Lunch. Peaches and mac and cheese.
* Robyn stopped by for a short visit.
* Johno filled out his first tithing form. He paid $3.47 in tithing and 53 cents toward temples.
* I took the kids with me to the fabric store. We got the pleather for our halloween costumes (we are going to be bats) and bought halloween decorations. They were good kids and earned themselves tokens.
* Took a breather--kid's watched a show/Piper's down for another nap.
* Jess played in sandbox again. Johno and I went to Ann Carluccio's place and borrowed her steam canner. We'll be doing our second batch of peaches tomorrow.
* I made dinner (John brought home a pheasant from a shooting outing. We had that and mashed potatoes and peas). We played the dinner game. It is really fun and makes dinner time very smooth and entertaining.
* I cleaned up dinner and prepared for FHE. I talked to the boys about chores (I know--torture). Johno's current chores are to make his bed and take their laundry to the laundry room. Jess's chores are to make his bed and pick up the floor. I told them that sometimes I need a little more help, OR if they want to earn tokens they can pull a chore out of the jar. They helped me brainstorm chores. I wrote them down and they cut them in to strips. I think it will work out well--especially with Johno who is very motivated to earn money. Then we wrestled and played horsey (I was a delightful horsey/cow). Piper really enjoyed it. She really liked when we sang "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam". Johno and Jess really enjoyed watching Piper mimick us. We did a round of Ring-Around-the-Rosie" and then I let them watch a show until John got home. We also had a bowl of ice-cream.
* To bed, to bed. Always a joyous occasion.
P.S. You don't read much of John in all this, but he was working hard bailing hay in Spanish Fork. It took him a lot longer than expected (story of our lives:)
* Woke up at 7:40
* Johno and Jess and Piper watched a show while I showered
* Got Johno dressed and fed and to the bus stop (Jess took a bath and Piper went with me)
* Fed Piper and Jess and got them dressed.
* Piper, Jess and I read books in Piper's roomPiper has a favorite ABC/numbers/shape flip book. She is trying to repeat what I say. She is starting to remember the sounds of the pictures (i.e. a pig snort, horse sound, and ice-cream licks). Jess and I read out of The Friend magazine.
* Put Piper down for a nap.
* Jess worked on drawing and cutting out caterpillars. Jess and Mom time was was spent playing with his darling caterpillars.
* Brooks and Gage came to play with Jess. They hung out in the sandbox.
* Johno came home from school. We had Johno and Mom time. Johno decided he wanted to go exploring around the house. So we looked on top of the ledge downstairs (we found a bag of foam letters and a safari hat from his 4th birthday party). Then we searched under John's and my bed. We found pens, legos, wrappers, etc.
* Lunch. Peaches and mac and cheese.
* Robyn stopped by for a short visit.
* Johno filled out his first tithing form. He paid $3.47 in tithing and 53 cents toward temples.
* I took the kids with me to the fabric store. We got the pleather for our halloween costumes (we are going to be bats) and bought halloween decorations. They were good kids and earned themselves tokens.
* Took a breather--kid's watched a show/Piper's down for another nap.
* Jess played in sandbox again. Johno and I went to Ann Carluccio's place and borrowed her steam canner. We'll be doing our second batch of peaches tomorrow.
* I made dinner (John brought home a pheasant from a shooting outing. We had that and mashed potatoes and peas). We played the dinner game. It is really fun and makes dinner time very smooth and entertaining.
* I cleaned up dinner and prepared for FHE. I talked to the boys about chores (I know--torture). Johno's current chores are to make his bed and take their laundry to the laundry room. Jess's chores are to make his bed and pick up the floor. I told them that sometimes I need a little more help, OR if they want to earn tokens they can pull a chore out of the jar. They helped me brainstorm chores. I wrote them down and they cut them in to strips. I think it will work out well--especially with Johno who is very motivated to earn money. Then we wrestled and played horsey (I was a delightful horsey/cow). Piper really enjoyed it. She really liked when we sang "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam". Johno and Jess really enjoyed watching Piper mimick us. We did a round of Ring-Around-the-Rosie" and then I let them watch a show until John got home. We also had a bowl of ice-cream.
* To bed, to bed. Always a joyous occasion.
P.S. You don't read much of John in all this, but he was working hard bailing hay in Spanish Fork. It took him a lot longer than expected (story of our lives:)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday 19th 08
Today's Goings-On
* Everyone slept all night long so I woke up naturally. No crying, no requests--just quiet.
* Dragged Johno out of bed, so to speak, to get ready for school.
* took a bath
* Walked Johno to the bus. Chatted with Dawnie.
* Talked John into cramming the lovesac into the boys room. There is no room left in there, but it sure is fun to jump into.
* Got Jess ready and fed Piper--while putting piggies in her hair, of course.
* Cleaned around the house while the kids either followed me around or played. Turned on some music and threw Jess and Piper into the lovesac.
* Put Piper down for her nap.
* Had Jess and Mom time. We talked about a picture Jesus in one of their books and drew pictures. Jess drew me and I drew John. Jess wrote the word "mom" on his paper and I just loved that.
* Worked on the yard. Need to finish tomorrow.
* Picked up Johno from the bus stop.
* Made lunch--apples and mac and cheese.
* Had Johno and Mom time--we played with legos.
* Did some laundry--continued to clean house in prep for James's visit.
* Took the kids to the Farmer's market at Thanksgiving Point. Very fun.
* Came home and John was already here (Yeah!).
* Put Piper down for a nap.
* Went grocery shopping (blech). I don't love this part of my responsibilites--but then the thought ran through my mind that there are so many people out there who would love to shoving a cartful of groceries. That humbled me right up.
* Got home and went across the street to where John was talking with Ann Carluccio. She was repairing her brick path. The kids were having the time of their life playing on the big mound of dirt. Then John ran to Home Depot.
* Kids got a bath.
* We continued preparing for James for a bit.
* Put the kids to bed.
* Did the dishes.
* Everyone slept all night long so I woke up naturally. No crying, no requests--just quiet.
* Dragged Johno out of bed, so to speak, to get ready for school.
* took a bath
* Walked Johno to the bus. Chatted with Dawnie.
* Talked John into cramming the lovesac into the boys room. There is no room left in there, but it sure is fun to jump into.
* Got Jess ready and fed Piper--while putting piggies in her hair, of course.
* Cleaned around the house while the kids either followed me around or played. Turned on some music and threw Jess and Piper into the lovesac.
* Put Piper down for her nap.
* Had Jess and Mom time. We talked about a picture Jesus in one of their books and drew pictures. Jess drew me and I drew John. Jess wrote the word "mom" on his paper and I just loved that.
* Worked on the yard. Need to finish tomorrow.
* Picked up Johno from the bus stop.
* Made lunch--apples and mac and cheese.
* Had Johno and Mom time--we played with legos.
* Did some laundry--continued to clean house in prep for James's visit.
* Took the kids to the Farmer's market at Thanksgiving Point. Very fun.
* Came home and John was already here (Yeah!).
* Put Piper down for a nap.
* Went grocery shopping (blech). I don't love this part of my responsibilites--but then the thought ran through my mind that there are so many people out there who would love to shoving a cartful of groceries. That humbled me right up.
* Got home and went across the street to where John was talking with Ann Carluccio. She was repairing her brick path. The kids were having the time of their life playing on the big mound of dirt. Then John ran to Home Depot.
* Kids got a bath.
* We continued preparing for James for a bit.
* Put the kids to bed.
* Did the dishes.
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