Monday, October 13, 2008

Oct 13, 2008

Today was pretty busy. I'm at the end of a nasty cold, but still in that linger stuffy phase that I don't like one bit. I had volunteered to go on Johno's first fieldtrip to Hee Haws farm, and John stayed home with the little ones so I could go. Sweet man of mine. I was in charge of Johno and four other kindergarteners. That was exhausting. I was constantly counting heads and calling out names of the wandering ones. BUT is really enjoyed being with Johno. What a kid. He is so bright and energetic. I am concerned somewhat because he has been saying that school is sooooo long. I really want him to enjoy school, but I think the best thing is to encourage him, but also listen to what he is saying. I can sometime prematurely dismiss the little thoughts an emotions that the kids have. When I stop and look at things through their eyes, I connect with them and they with me.

Johno: Johno's current love is all thing Lego. He says the only thing on his Christmas list will be Legos. He is currently saving his money to buy a set he saw at Costco. It is 40 bucks, but he is determined. I use a token system for good behavior. Then every week or so we trade the tokens in for quarters. They can earn tokens by doing extra chores or being extra nice to each other. They understand they have regular chores that don't get compensated, but it is nice to let them earn things they really want. When they get their allowance the first thing we have them do is pay their tithing and put some in savings. Johno paid his tithing for the first time on Sunday. I asked if he felt good when he did it and he responded with an emphatic "Yes!" I'm thrilled to my very core that he and Jess are enjoying each other's company lately. They do have "moments" if you will, but more and more they are interacting pleasantly.

Jess: He currently loves to draw and cut out his drawings. There are little white paper clippings all over our house, but his little hands and concentration are too darling to put an end to it. I do warn him that he will have to pick up "every piece of cut up paper". At this moment there is a pile next to my bed that I discovered--that's on his task list for tomorrow. He has become socially comfortable. He can play on his own just fine, but we have older kids now coming and asking if he can play. Johno is always okay if Jess tags along. Jess also likes the sandbox, Josiah's batman cape, and preschool. He is STILL phasing out of naps. It has been a year already! So about 5 or 6 at night is his meltdown moment. It's pretty mild. He claims to have nightmares, but I think he just really likes when John or I lay by him in his bed. I remember how comfortable and safe I felt when lying near my parents, so we don't begrudge him on this. He is satisfied with a few minutes so it isn't intrusive at all. I adore his whole soul.

Piper: She's a firecracker. She is somewhat obsessed with John. If he is in the house she wants to be on his hip. John is putty in her chubby little fingers. If it is only me and her, she just putters behind me. She likes to help with the dishwasher (by help I mean take things out that I just put in). Since she and I had colds, we stayed home while John and the boys when to visit his parents. She and I danced around the living room, played with toys, did the dishwasher thing. My favorite part was when I was eating some apple juice slush, she came and perched herself on my lap. She just sat there so content while I shared spoonfuls of juice with her. Every once in a while she would cock her head back and look at me with an expression of "Isn't this fun?". It really was. She is feisty when she needs to be, but I'm not too concerned. I know what to expect for the most part.

Tonight after dinner we had FHE. We talked about manners and did some role playing. First we did phone etiquette. John and I used our cell phones and called each other to use as an example. Then John and Jess went upstairs while Johno and I stayed downstairs. Johno called Jess and they had the cutest conversation. Then we worked on interrupting when people are talking. This is a pet peeve of John and mine. John and I will be talking and one of them will say "Mom! Mom! Moooooooooooooom!" so we practiced how to say "excuse me" and then wait until it is there turn. Then John had us play charades which was a lot of fun. We did some horsely rides and had a bath. I love my little family.

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